Artistic Director
邱孟璐 Meng-Lu Chiu
Master of Music in Harp Performance from Indiana University, USA
- 前柏林愛樂豎琴首席 Sebastien Lipman
- 國際豎琴權威 Susann McDonald
近年來致力推廣豎琴不遺餘力的新生代音樂家──邱孟璐,活躍於豎琴樂壇,曾任台灣豎琴家聯盟執行長,現任台北豎琴室內樂集及台灣豎琴中心總監。求學期間曾獲得許多獎項,如澳洲 Philipa Power 豎琴比賽冠軍,Una Morgan Prize 比賽首獎,美國伯恩斯坦獎學金,印第安那大學豎琴協奏曲比賽亞軍等。
返國後,於 2007 年獲選為兩廳院樂壇新秀音樂家,2009 年代表台灣豎琴家聯盟成功主辦打破亞洲紀錄的「百台豎琴,千萬愛心」慈善公益音樂會,2011 年再次帶領台灣豎琴家聯盟於台北車站主辦「建國一百年 百人豎琴」馬拉松音樂會。2010 年擔任偏遠地區學童藝術啓蒙計畫召集人。其致力於發揮豎琴音樂的多元樣貌,積極推廣豎琴演奏,近期音樂會更嘗試與各種樂器合奏,委託國內作曲家創作豎琴室內樂,豐富音樂曲目,並與流行樂歌手合作編曲配樂、錄製專輯。
Meng-Lu Chiu
Former President of Taiwan Harpists’ Association
Director of Taipei Harp Ensemble and Taiwan Harp Center
Meng-Lu was born in Taipei, Taiwan and began playing the harp after learning piano for several years.
She studied with Sebestien Lipman (former principle harpist of Berlin Philharmonic) at the Queensland Conservatorium (Australia) for her Bachelor of Music, and pursued her graduate studies in Indiana University (U.S.A.) with the Distinguished Professor Susann McDonald.
During her studies abroad, she has won numerous school scholarships, including the Una Morgan Award, the Philipa Power Prize and the Bernstein Prize.
She completed both the Performer diploma and Master’s Degree as a scholarship recipient and upon her graduation, she was awarded the coveted Performer Certificate- the greatest honor granted for outstanding performance.
Meng-Lu has also competed with success in many international competitions including second prize in the Indiana Harp Concerto Competition, semi-finalist in both 2001 USA Harp Competition and 2003 Nippon Harp competition.
Since graduation, she has performed as a professional soloist, chamber music player and orchestra player with numerous orchestras, such as the National Symphony Orchestra, Evergreen Symphony orchestra and Taipei Symphony Orchestra.
In 2007, Meng-Lu won the prestigious audition to be featured as one of the new young artists by the National Chang Kai Shek Culture Centre, and since 2008, she was appointed as president of the Taipei Harp Association.
In 2009, with Meng-Lu’s leadership, the Harp 100 event was completed with great success by gathering 133 harps near the Taipei City Hall to raise funds for the Association for promoting artists of Disability.
In 2011, Meng-Lu successfully conducted another Harp 100 event at the Taipei Railway Station.
Meng-Lu has built a successful career promoting the harp instrument as well as the music written for harp. As the founder of the Taiwan Harp Center, she has devoted herself into arranging music and commissioning new works for harp. As well as organizing harp concerts, chamber concerts with dancers and multimedia concerts.